As a Foundation, we avoid investing in companies whose products and corporate behaviour conflict with our vision by applying sustainability and ESG criteria to our entire endowment. We encourage human rights-informed and conflict-sensitive business practices among the portfolio companies of the CADMOS Peace European Engagement Fund.

Through dialogue and assessments, we promote company awareness about their impact in fragile states and provide assistance to strengthen it. For further information about our engagement activities with companies see our Business Engagement page.

In 2022, we continued to encourage our asset managers to expand their services to clients related to (proxy) voting and company engagement. We joined the PRI ADVANCE stewardship initiative, promoting further action by companies and investors to progress on human rights and social issues.

Finally, we maintained in close contact with Geneva Sustainable Finance and the Investor Alliance for Human Rights on expending their engagement with investors on their exposure in fragile states and company engagement on the peace theme. We

welcome the further formalisation of these initiatives in 2023.