PeaceNexus supports ONG 3D by strengthening their work on social cohesion and peacebuilding in Senegal.
The Partner
ONG 3D (Decentralisation, Human Rights, Local Development) is a non-governmental organisation supporting the democratisation in Senegal since its beginnings in the year 2000. Their strategic focus is democracy, human rights and sustainable local development.
Today ONG 3D specialises in monitoring the implementation of public policy, and the provision of information in this regard. Through this, they strengthen the transparency and accountability of national development programmes and build citizens’ capacities to hold the government to account.
Our Support
In 2016, ONG 3D applied for Organisational Development support through our Call for Proposals and was selected by the PeaceNexus Board. The challenge they had put forward was to manage their organisational growth while maintaining the quality of their activities.
After an organisational self-evaluation facilitated by PeaceNexus, ONG 3D identified strategic planning and institutional strengthening as focus areas for support. The combination of these two elements improved the effectiveness and sense of direction of the organisation.
In the two years of our collaboration, ONG 3D has received coaching and process support through an experienced organisational development consultant. They conducted a series of participatory workshops involving all staff members and the Board of Directors and managed to develop their new strategy and to adapt the organisational set-up accordingly.
The Results
This partnership has allowed ONG 3D to assess the strengths and weaknesses of their internal functioning and collectively find the best solutions for the challenges identified. The implementation of these solutions has enabled ONG 3D to improve mechanisms of internal communication and coordination.
Another direct result of the partnership between ONG 3D and PeaceNexus is the participatory and inclusive development of their 2018-2022 Strategic Plan as well as the connected Operational Plan. While the vision and mission statement have been updated and sharpened, ONG 3D also took the decision to expand its activities beyond Senegal to the West African region.
Moreover, ONG 3D has taken several measures to improve its ability to deliver on its mission. Firstly, a communications department was created. It contributes to greater visibility for ONG 3D at the national level. Secondly, project monitoring has been reinforced by decentralising it. Finally, a participatory monitoring mechanism was established to make the new strategy operational.
Globally, both the ONG 3D team and Board of Directors have become more aware of the need for ongoing organisational development. ONG 3D decided to progress the changes initiated through a second phase, working with PeaceNexus on the operationalisation of the new strategy and on strengthening the managerial capacities to underpin its implementation.