Oxfam International is a global confederation working with more than 3,500partners in 67 countries to fight against poverty and inequality, and is increasingly focused on contexts experiencing conflict and fragility. Since 2018,PeaceNexus has been supporting Oxfam Great Britain and Oxfam IBIS, in collaboration with the Global Humanitarian Team, in their efforts to operationalize conflict sensitivity and capacities for peace across Oxfam’s work.
The Results
At the Confederation level, PeaceNexus’ support has helped drive cross-affiliate collaboration to emphasise the conflict dimension in Oxfam’s new strategic framework. A “Listening” initiative was conducted with 40 staff from 24 countries who shared their experiences of working in conflict, as well as their views on what Oxfam needs to change to improve its impact in such contexts. Oxfam’s new ten-year strategy prioritises working in fragile contexts, through a “Rights, Resilience and Response” framework.
During the Covid-19 crisis, Oxfam also put a strong focus on ensuring its response did not create more tensions in conflict contexts. It influenced the wider sector by sharing its COVID-19 and Conflict Sensitivity operational guidance, as well as its policy brief on “Conflict in the Time of Coronavirus: Why a global ceasefire could offer a window of opportunity for inclusive locally-led peace”. At the country-level, PeaceNexus helped to establish a more open exchange among staff and with leadership on what it would take for Oxfam Burkina Faso to adapt conflict sensitivity more systematically, and to adapt effectively to their fast-changing context.