We support civil society organisations that play a strong peacebuilding role in their local context or on an international level, to become more effective and impactful, for example through strategic focus, increased convening power, and a higher ability to monitor results and learn from them.
We use a participatory approach that is informed by and fully tailored to our partners’ needs throughout the change process.
We support civil society organisations with a high impact in fragile contexts to adapt the way they operate, for example by increasing their ability to use conflict analysis, so their actions do not fuel violence, and do contribute to peaceful change where possible.
We use an organisational change approach, helping our partners set priorities and align resources behind them, involving different parts of their institution. We make expertise available and remain involved over time.
We support companies, governments, local civil society organisations and affected communities to improve business practices in fragile and conflict affected countries.
We do so by supporting inclusive decision-making and dialogue processes, engaging with companies and facilitating exchanges with peacebuilding experts, as well as providing resources for research, advocacy strategies and organisational strengthening to civil society, think tanks and business networks.
Though we do work with a broad range of partners, including governments and the private sector, our Call for Proposals is open for civil society organisations (CSOs) only.
We support organisations from the four regions we focus on.
We support organisations with peacebuilding at the core of their mission through Organisational Development. The Conflict Sensitivity offer is open for a broader range of organisations that are working in fragile contexts. The Business Engagement offer is open to any entity with an interest in and potential of getting stakeholders together to discuss issues related to economic development.
If your organisation works on peacebuilding, and you are interested in applying for Organisational Development support, start inquiring within your organisation and with stakeholders around you what prevents you from having an even bigger impact and to what extent your current practices and structures reflect your core values.
If you are considering applying for Conflict Sensitivity support, start discussing with your colleagues and external collaborators how conflict currently affects your organisation’s work and how the uptake of a stronger conflict lens in your strategy and programming could help you operate in complex contexts and strengthen your impact.
If you are planning to apply for Business Engagement support, ask your colleagues and the stakeholders concerned what could be achieved through a structured dialogue.
We want to understand who you are, what challenges you are currently facing, what you believe you can achieve with our help, and why this is important. There is no need to develop solutions or budgets; we will do this together with you, in a participatory way, in the first phase of our collaboration.
You will find more details about eligibility in the concept notes of the respective service offer.
Please read the concept note of the service offer you are planning to apply for and take note that we only fund expertise and meeting costs directly related to the dialogue or change process. Requests for project or core funding are not eligible.
We can only consider applications if we understand your specific challenge and its relevance for conflict prevention, social cohesion and peacebuilding in your context.
After an eligibility check, we will assess the relevance and potential of your request. A selection committee will make the final decision, based on the technical assessment and strategic considerations.
We strive for partner portfolios that are both diverse and manageable for our staff. While we need to understand who you are and what you need to consider for this partnership with PeaceNexus, we will always start our engagement by reopening these questions with everyone concerned.
The Western Balkans Calls for Proposals is now open. View the call and apply here.
Upcoming calls will be announced on our website and LinkedIn page.
Here you will find the concept notes of previous calls that are no longer open for applications, but may help prospective applicants better understand and prepare for future calls.
West Africa (2023)
Environment and Peace (2022)
Engaging youth in social cohesion in Kyrgyzstan (2022)
International OD (2020)