Consulting opportunity: Funding Model Transition

Terre des Hommes is looking for a consultant to support the organisation during a transition of its funding model. The ideal candidate will bring:

  • Expertise in INGO fundraising and governance
  • Experience in policy making, policy analysis and capacity building
  • A strong understanding of project and organisational risk assessment.

Interested to learn more? The full terms of reference are available here.

Applications are open until 20th of December and should be sent to

Consulting opportunity: Leadership development capacity-building support

One of our partners, the Kosova Rehabilitation Center for Torture Victims (KRCT) is looking for an experienced trainer to work with its team of middle and senior managers on leadership development.

Interested to learn more? The full terms of reference are available here.

Applications are open until 15th of December and should be sent to

For updates and notifications on upcoming vacancies, follow our LinkedIn page.